Pastor & Mrs. Jeremy Beieler

Pastor Jeremy Beieler received Christ as his savior as an adult and answered the call to preach soon thereafter; preaching his first sermon at the Saginaw Rescue Mission.  Since that moment, Pastor Beieler has taken every opportunity he can to share God's Word and to encourage others to follow Christ; whether it be at Rescue Missions, addictions ministries, school chapels or filling pulpits at like-minded churches.  As Pastor of Harvest Baptist Church, Pastor Beieler has a burden to share the way, the truth and the life that is in Jesus Christ and encourage others to live the victorious Christian Life.

Jeannie Beieler is the loving wife as well as personal secretary to her husband, Pastor Beieler. Jeannie enjoys sharing her gift of song whenever she can and has a strong passion to encourage ladies to grow in Christ and experience victory over their struggles.