A Word From Pastor Jeremy Beieler


Thank you for visiting the Harvest Baptist Church web site, we pray it is helpful to you. At HBC we teach, preach and study the Word of God, the Bible. We believe that God's Word is powerful and has the answers to life's questions. HBC is a Church Family of Independent Baptists, practical in practice, fresh in vision and Biblical in Doctrine.

Our leadership strives to teach truth through diligent study of the Scriptures. We believe that Jesus Christ is The answer for the world, and for you! We pray that our church will be a lighthouse in our community and our world that points  others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Whether you are a new Christian, a mature Christian, or have questions about Christianity, HBC can help you to grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ. Each week we gather together to enjoy practical teaching, uplifting music, and a very friendly spirit. HBC is a place where everyone is welcome, questions are taken seriously and people are respected regardless of where they are in their spiritual journey. Nothing brings us greater joy than helping people know how to apply the Bible to daily life so they can face the real life issues that impact us all.

Come and be a part of what God is doing at Harvest Baptist Church!